
How Your Pets Can Benefit From Soft Water


How Your Pets Can Benefit From Soft Water

Soft water has gone through a special filtration system to be freed from hard mineral deposits, 比如钙和镁. Many people like 软水器s because they eliminate unsightly buildup around faucets and appliances that use water. 软水甚至对你的宠物也有好处! If you are concerned about your pet’s water supply, read on to learn how your pets can benefit from soft water.


钙, 镁, and other hard minerals aren’t necessarily dangerous; however, cats are highly prone to urinary tract infections. The buildup of minerals in hard water, 然后是猫的系统, may not be helpful for UTI prevention. 考虑使用 软水器 if your cat’s sodium levels are abnormally high.


Soft water just tastes better than hard water. Cats are prone to UTIs simply because they forget or refuse to drink water. If the water is clean, cold, and refreshing, they are more likely to drink it. Your other pets will also enjoy the fresh taste of soft water. +, you won’t have to scrub mineral deposits off your pets’ water bowls so frequently when you give them soft water.


Have you ever noticed how your hair becomes softer when showering with soft water? Hard water deposits go right onto your scalp when you wash your hair. Thankfully, soft water leaves your hair and skin feeling clean after washing. 你的宠物也能以同样的方式受益! Their coats will become smooth with soft water.


If you are considering a change to soft water, it’s best to slowly switch your pets from hard to soft water. They have sensitive stomachs, and big changes may upset them. The easiest way to make the switch is to fill a few water bottles with hard water. 安装软水器后, fill your pet’s water bowl halfway with hard water and halfway with soft water. Gradually increase the volume of soft water for about a week so your pet can adjust to the new water.

在ManBetX指数,我们提供 在圣安东尼奥的水软化系统美国德克萨斯州及周边地区. We love our pets just as you love yours, and we are happy to answer any questions about the health benefits of soft water for your pets. Contact us to improve the water for your entire household.